August 5, 2019 Damian Crisp Updates, Lessons, Exams, Students AMEB Rockschool Exams 2019! August 5, 2019 Damian Crisp Updates, Lessons, Exams, Students Congratulations Julian Menrath on a Distinction for your Grade 3 AMEB Rockschool Exam!
July 13, 2019 Damian Crisp Concerts, Updates Tempo Allegro School of Music Mid Year Concert 2019! July 13, 2019 Damian Crisp Concerts, Updates On Sunday 30th of June there were some fantastic performances by our students at our mid year concert!
April 29, 2018 Damian Crisp Masterclasses, whats on, Updates Hitting the high notes in Palmwoods! April 29, 2018 Damian Crisp Masterclasses, whats on, Updates We had a wonderful vocal workshop last week with singers from Palmwoods!
January 22, 2018 Damian Crisp Lessons, whats on, Updates, Workshops Tempo Voices 2018! January 22, 2018 Damian Crisp Lessons, whats on, Updates, Workshops Love singing with others? Tempo Voices is back in 2018!
January 22, 2018 Damian Crisp Concerts, Lessons, whats on, Workshops, Christmas Highlights from 2017! January 22, 2018 Damian Crisp Concerts, Lessons, whats on, Workshops, Christmas Some highlights from Tempo Allegro School of Music 2017!
December 18, 2017 Damian Crisp Christmas, Lessons Discover the joy of music this Christmas! December 18, 2017 Damian Crisp Christmas, Lessons Discover the joy of music this Christmas with a Tempo Allegro School of Music gift voucher!
June 21, 2016 Damian Crisp Tempo Allegro School of Music Mid Year Concert! June 21, 2016 Damian Crisp Congratulations to all for a fantastic Mid Year Concert!
April 11, 2016 Damian Crisp Updates Enrol now for Term 2! April 11, 2016 Damian Crisp Updates Term 2 at Tempo Allegro is now underway!